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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Received it today. Was very satisfied with the product. You get what you pay for. It was a leap of faith for me as I did not find any reviews about it. But now I feel happy. Thank you Bajaao for this amazing product.
Ive been using this mic for a long long time. And I really love it. Thanks Vault & Bajaao India.
my fav till now ..... awesome product
Most bugdet friendly mic for begginers
I can���t believe that it���s available at such a good price I play guitar and sing and have set up a very small home studio and the recording and voice quality of this mic is too good I really recommend it for pros and for begineers
I still don't believe this price. This beats behringer and samson entry level mics in terms of price and quality. Have used this to record acoustic guitar and also vocals and it is damn warm yet crispy without even using my tube pre-s. Waiting to buy one on my own.
A good choice for home studio recordings for beginners as well as for pros,Quality product directly from manufacturer.
Ok it is.
Received it today. Was very satisfied with the product. You get what you pay for. It was a leap of faith for me as I did not find any reviews about it. But now I feel happy. Thank you Bajaao for this amazing product.
Ive been using this mic for a long long time. And I really love it. Thanks Vault & Bajaao India.
my fav till now ..... awesome product
Most bugdet friendly mic for begginers
I can���t believe that it���s available at such a good price I play guitar and sing and have set up a very small home studio and the recording and voice quality of this mic is too good I really recommend it for pros and for begineers
I still don't believe this price. This beats behringer and samson entry level mics in terms of price and quality. Have used this to record acoustic guitar and also vocals and it is damn warm yet crispy without even using my tube pre-s. Waiting to buy one on my own.
A good choice for home studio recordings for beginners as well as for pros,Quality product directly from manufacturer.
Ok it is.