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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Good product
Great sound and small form factor.But is battery intensive will recommend to buy a 9 volt adapter .Great for big amps
absolutely love it
Fantastic pedal.
i happily recommend it to anyone looking for a good pedal
All parts good, works good, sound nice too
this was a great bargin
Thanks Vault
not too heavy not too sooth. Just great
Helps me play better
treid this pedal with my electro acoustic uke and it sounds great
Good product
Great sound and small form factor.But is battery intensive will recommend to buy a 9 volt adapter .Great for big amps
absolutely love it
Fantastic pedal.
i happily recommend it to anyone looking for a good pedal
All parts good, works good, sound nice too
this was a great bargin
Thanks Vault
not too heavy not too sooth. Just great
Helps me play better
treid this pedal with my electro acoustic uke and it sounds great