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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Previously used GHS fast fret.but this time i want give a try on this. not disappointed. very nice and very convenient.
Have been using XLR8 for a year now and it does improve liven up a set of dead string to some degree.. playing comfort is great and helps with the string life as gunk doesn't stay long.
Well.. Considering the price i expected something more than a mere sponge doused in lubricant . How good it is , how long lasting it is time will tell
Previously used GHS fast fret.but this time i want give a try on this. not disappointed. very nice and very convenient.
Have been using XLR8 for a year now and it does improve liven up a set of dead string to some degree.. playing comfort is great and helps with the string life as gunk doesn't stay long.
Well.. Considering the price i expected something more than a mere sponge doused in lubricant . How good it is , how long lasting it is time will tell