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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Bought First one, then by impressed with it's quality bought the second.. Now with this two, having great pleasure of listening 🤗🤗
I would reccomend everyone to use this speaker and experience a good quality sound
The bluetooth connectivity is really fast unlike any other product
absolutely loved it
This was the sound quality I have been looking fo, thanks bajaao!
I ave purchased 2 of them
Worth the money
The sound quality of this product is amazing
Omg , in love with the sound quality
Bought First one, then by impressed with it's quality bought the second.. Now with this two, having great pleasure of listening 🤗🤗
I would reccomend everyone to use this speaker and experience a good quality sound
The bluetooth connectivity is really fast unlike any other product
absolutely loved it
This was the sound quality I have been looking fo, thanks bajaao!
I ave purchased 2 of them
Worth the money
The sound quality of this product is amazing
Omg , in love with the sound quality