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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Took me some time to set up the guitar but now it plays like butter the fretboard is fast and really accessible. The sound is amazing you can’t tell that the pickups are passive. Although I love the guitar. I am only reducing one star because the guitar did not come set up properly, the action was too high and the bridge was almost unusable due to high string tension. Overall a killer guitar and amazing specs. Thanks Bajaoo
Took me some time to set up the guitar but now it plays like butter the fretboard is fast and really accessible. The sound is amazing you can’t tell that the pickups are passive. Although I love the guitar. I am only reducing one star because the guitar did not come set up properly, the action was too high and the bridge was almost unusable due to high string tension. Overall a killer guitar and amazing specs. Thanks Bajaoo