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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I have always wanted to own a premium cable and was eager to compare the differences with the regular cables available. This may not be that premium per se, but I could notice a difference in noise cancellation ability over my other cables that were thinner and cost less. It also looks chic and adds to the beauty of performing on stage. Overall it is a good buy.
Best cable in the price range
Slight de mlfect in the outer coating
Quality and durability is good
Nice quality, only the cable was tied too tightly, which left the zip tie marks on it. overall good!
Very good cable.
That was so good. Nothing to say about just Wow
Thankxx. The upside. Good looking. Sharp sounding. The downside. No tuner? The bottom cable connector doubles as a shoulder strap holder. Weak link?
I have always wanted to own a premium cable and was eager to compare the differences with the regular cables available. This may not be that premium per se, but I could notice a difference in noise cancellation ability over my other cables that were thinner and cost less. It also looks chic and adds to the beauty of performing on stage. Overall it is a good buy.
Best cable in the price range
Slight de mlfect in the outer coating
Quality and durability is good
Nice quality, only the cable was tied too tightly, which left the zip tie marks on it. overall good!
Very good cable.
That was so good. Nothing to say about just Wow
Thankxx. The upside. Good looking. Sharp sounding. The downside. No tuner? The bottom cable connector doubles as a shoulder strap holder. Weak link?