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This is the best versatile guitar for an intermediate player. It has versatile high quality tone which is suitable both for clean and crunchy tones. The construction, finish and playability is impeccable in this guitar.
Product is before on time and good response
The company is Fender so no question arise . The best part is the delivery process which Bajaao follows is really appreciable. It was in time, good protected packaging, after delivery feedback, In all it is very good.
I owned a Squier guitar before this but that guitar never gave me the feel & push. But this Fender beauty is marvellous. The feel of neck, selector switch, pickups is very nice. Verdict - Don't go for cheap guitars, wait, gather money & invest in something like this that will cherish you for life.
A very lovely instrument. In case you are looking for rock n heavy distortion too, make sure you get the HSS or HSH version.
Very classical guitar.
This guitar is so very beautiful and its so comfortable to play with this. This guitar has won my heart.
Simply loved this guitar...damn the pickups sound awesome..the single coil pickups are just perfect for any type of music..extremely versatile guitar...worth buying...and i promise this guitar will never betray you.
This is the best versatile guitar for an intermediate player. It has versatile high quality tone which is suitable both for clean and crunchy tones. The construction, finish and playability is impeccable in this guitar.
Product is before on time and good response
The company is Fender so no question arise . The best part is the delivery process which Bajaao follows is really appreciable. It was in time, good protected packaging, after delivery feedback, In all it is very good.
I owned a Squier guitar before this but that guitar never gave me the feel & push. But this Fender beauty is marvellous. The feel of neck, selector switch, pickups is very nice. Verdict - Don't go for cheap guitars, wait, gather money & invest in something like this that will cherish you for life.
A very lovely instrument. In case you are looking for rock n heavy distortion too, make sure you get the HSS or HSH version.
Very classical guitar.
This guitar is so very beautiful and its so comfortable to play with this. This guitar has won my heart.
Simply loved this guitar...damn the pickups sound awesome..the single coil pickups are just perfect for any type of music..extremely versatile guitar...worth buying...and i promise this guitar will never betray you.