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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Been using my EJ since 2012.... on many of my songs.. n 00s of shows..... its super playable, versatile tones... fusion to blues to rock...... and most importantly 'stays un tune' !!
One of my best buys ever... I do have 25+ guitars n bought many more... EJ is best
Please more pic.... covering every dimensions of the guitar...... what is the colour of the other Guitar...
Been using my EJ since 2012.... on many of my songs.. n 00s of shows..... its super playable, versatile tones... fusion to blues to rock...... and most importantly 'stays un tune' !!
One of my best buys ever... I do have 25+ guitars n bought many more... EJ is best
Please more pic.... covering every dimensions of the guitar...... what is the colour of the other Guitar...