Make your purchase using any Credit or Debt card EMI and Bajaao will return the total interest charged, as Cashback to your bajaao wallet.
(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
never ever do any prepaid payment, bcoz now bajaao says they dont have to order this from third party and then they will courier me, agar nahi tha product to out of stock mention krna tha yaar, pehle 14th,15th ,18th ab 26th august ko dispatch hoga show kr rha hai
never ever do any prepaid payment, bcoz now bajaao says they dont have to order this from third party and then they will courier me, agar nahi tha product to out of stock mention krna tha yaar, pehle 14th,15th ,18th ab 26th august ko dispatch hoga show kr rha hai