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Check out the video of JP explaining the pick. That video is not a marketing gimmick. This pick has a lot of thought put into the design. Also, it has three similar tips, making it kind of 3 picks in 1 (cost effective for cheapos like me)
you can play fast with this pick.Mostly for lead guitarists.Bajaao's shipping/delivery was really quick.i appreciate.i recommend the pick especially for lead guitar players
Check out the video of JP explaining the pick. That video is not a marketing gimmick. This pick has a lot of thought put into the design. Also, it has three similar tips, making it kind of 3 picks in 1 (cost effective for cheapos like me)
you can play fast with this pick.Mostly for lead guitarists.Bajaao's shipping/delivery was really quick.i appreciate.i recommend the pick especially for lead guitar players