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Very well stitched and offers good protection with 12mm padding. With the bag you can carry it anywhere without worrying about it getting damaged.
Bajaao UKB12S Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag - 12MM Padding
Bajaao UKB12S Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag
Bajaao UKB12S Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag
Love it!!!
Very well stitched and offers good protection with 12mm padding. With the bag you can carry it anywhere without worrying about it getting damaged.
Bajaao UKB12S Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag - 12MM Padding
Bajaao UKB12S Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag
Bajaao UKB12S Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag
Love it!!!