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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This pedal is absoloutely worth every penny. Rather than buying multiple pedals for different uses, buy one of these and you get all pedal functionalities in the world in just this One Pedal. Using it with my Novation Impluse 61 for sustain, and with my Yamaha PSR s975 and PSR e453 and this is Mind-Boggling. The thing that differentiates this from other pedals is that, You Can even make FILL INs with THIS PEDAL or even Half Bar Fill Ins. My Most favorite feature is the ability to switch between multiple Registration Memories. Absolutely Stunningly, Mind Blogging, MUST BUY
This pedal is absoloutely worth every penny. Rather than buying multiple pedals for different uses, buy one of these and you get all pedal functionalities in the world in just this One Pedal. Using it with my Novation Impluse 61 for sustain, and with my Yamaha PSR s975 and PSR e453 and this is Mind-Boggling. The thing that differentiates this from other pedals is that, You Can even make FILL INs with THIS PEDAL or even Half Bar Fill Ins. My Most favorite feature is the ability to switch between multiple Registration Memories. Absolutely Stunningly, Mind Blogging, MUST BUY