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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
My harmonica went out of order in just 1 week, draws in few holes does not work. I have raised a warranty claim(as bajaao does not accept returns for wind instruments) .. lets see where it goes from here.
I got this harmonica years back from and it is still in tune and plays perfectly. This harmonica comes in a nice carry case. This harmonica is very loud and takes less effort to make is sound loud. It has a quality finish which has not faded or worn out and continues to shine.
My harmonica went out of order in just 1 week, draws in few holes does not work. I have raised a warranty claim(as bajaao does not accept returns for wind instruments) .. lets see where it goes from here.
I got this harmonica years back from and it is still in tune and plays perfectly. This harmonica comes in a nice carry case. This harmonica is very loud and takes less effort to make is sound loud. It has a quality finish which has not faded or worn out and continues to shine.