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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The Hohner Marine Band 1896 is the standard by which all other harmonicas are measured and the number one choice of the old blues harmonica players. It has been played by music greats such as: Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon, Little Walter, and Paul Butterfield. It has ten holes, twenty reeds and a pearwood comb that is sealed with lacquer to help prevent swelling. True to the original, todays Marine Band is mounted with the nails instead of screws.Rounded curves, and a proper size. Fits properly in hand. So, you can easily make your hand air tight around it.
The Hohner Marine Band 1896 is the standard by which all other harmonicas are measured and the number one choice of the old blues harmonica players. It has been played by music greats such as: Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon, Little Walter, and Paul Butterfield. It has ten holes, twenty reeds and a pearwood comb that is sealed with lacquer to help prevent swelling. True to the original, todays Marine Band is mounted with the nails instead of screws.Rounded curves, and a proper size. Fits properly in hand. So, you can easily make your hand air tight around it.