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Since it is a beginners harmonica, Worth the money paid and satisfied with the build quality and the throw the harmonica has got. Clear and rich sound. Good for beginners.
this harmonica can be a good friend to kids but if you are thinking about harmoinc seriosly then this harmonica is not for you. go for higher German made Hohner's
The loudness among the holes is very uneven, with the overall volume being quite low. Hole #2 draw note doesn't sound when you draw normally, and you hear a very shrill sound when you try harder. This model is made in China, and is lowest rated harmonica in Hohner's catalog(source: info booklet given along with it). Definitely try something else, I would say.
Highly recommended
Since it is a beginners harmonica, Worth the money paid and satisfied with the build quality and the throw the harmonica has got. Clear and rich sound. Good for beginners.
this harmonica can be a good friend to kids but if you are thinking about harmoinc seriosly then this harmonica is not for you. go for higher German made Hohner's
The loudness among the holes is very uneven, with the overall volume being quite low. Hole #2 draw note doesn't sound when you draw normally, and you hear a very shrill sound when you try harder. This model is made in China, and is lowest rated harmonica in Hohner's catalog(source: info booklet given along with it). Definitely try something else, I would say.
Highly recommended