Make your purchase using any Credit or Debt card EMI and Bajaao will return the total interest charged, as Cashback to your bajaao wallet.
(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The item is good, sound is very good, there is no bag available so buy a bag for this. Bajaao delivery and service is good but every day by day Bajaao products are coming with scratches and cosmetic flaws, you can return them but they will deduct ammount. So kind of a trapped.
If you care please follow all my emails for the order placed on 19 Feb that was delivered on 10th Mar that to on the pressure from me on almost daily basis. I will discourage everyone.
The item is good, sound is very good, there is no bag available so buy a bag for this. Bajaao delivery and service is good but every day by day Bajaao products are coming with scratches and cosmetic flaws, you can return them but they will deduct ammount. So kind of a trapped.
If you care please follow all my emails for the order placed on 19 Feb that was delivered on 10th Mar that to on the pressure from me on almost daily basis. I will discourage everyone.