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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This is a beast. Pumping max volume from my boss me-70, I had to keep the amp level at just 25% and was getting monstrous volume. What's more, it gives the exact tone my me-70 pumps out, without any coloration like other amps. Right now, it's being used at The Strings Music Hub Jam Room at Mira Road, and no player has yet turned the amp over 50% yet.This amp is a powered cab. No, you cannot use it as your standalone amp. You must have a processor/preamp pedal or something similar. But it's worth every penny
This is a beast. Pumping max volume from my boss me-70, I had to keep the amp level at just 25% and was getting monstrous volume. What's more, it gives the exact tone my me-70 pumps out, without any coloration like other amps. Right now, it's being used at The Strings Music Hub Jam Room at Mira Road, and no player has yet turned the amp over 50% yet.This amp is a powered cab. No, you cannot use it as your standalone amp. You must have a processor/preamp pedal or something similar. But it's worth every penny