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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The Tama DSS30 i have received was an old stock. The felt was dirty (black) and the rode of the beater is bit rusty. This was not expected from I haven't raise the concern to as it does not hamper any functionality and the product was not at all expensive, but as far as feedback is concerned, this is an honest feedback.
Good quality product.
Tama DS30 Felt/Rubber Beater
Very good product. Easy to use and a good class of quality.
The Tama DSS30 i have received was an old stock. The felt was dirty (black) and the rode of the beater is bit rusty. This was not expected from I haven't raise the concern to as it does not hamper any functionality and the product was not at all expensive, but as far as feedback is concerned, this is an honest feedback.
Good quality product.
Tama DS30 Felt/Rubber Beater
Very good product. Easy to use and a good class of quality.