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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Good product and best service
A very compact unit, being of 19-inch rackmountable width. Easy to use soundcraft User interface saves a lot of time. The LCD info strip comes up with white letters and they are clear, bright and easy enough to read in dark or daylight. In a single sentence, the Si Performer 1 is a fully featured compact digital audio mixer with a maximum of 80 inputs available to mix, with onboard Lexicon, BSS, Dbx and Studer DSP, and incorporating a single universe of DMX512 lighting control.
Good product and best service
A very compact unit, being of 19-inch rackmountable width. Easy to use soundcraft User interface saves a lot of time. The LCD info strip comes up with white letters and they are clear, bright and easy enough to read in dark or daylight. In a single sentence, the Si Performer 1 is a fully featured compact digital audio mixer with a maximum of 80 inputs available to mix, with onboard Lexicon, BSS, Dbx and Studer DSP, and incorporating a single universe of DMX512 lighting control.