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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It's a good product. I have purchased it for 5600/- But one thing I have to mention that the pads are little hard to press, otherwise it's a good product...
i'd rather save some money and go for akai or arturia... the knobs are unnecessarily tall and the keys are not that good enough for me. But make no mistake this is one legit controller. it's just not good enough for pro use. if you want it for home use, go for it.
It's a good product. I have purchased it for 5600/- But one thing I have to mention that the pads are little hard to press, otherwise it's a good product...
i'd rather save some money and go for akai or arturia... the knobs are unnecessarily tall and the keys are not that good enough for me. But make no mistake this is one legit controller. it's just not good enough for pro use. if you want it for home use, go for it.