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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
works fine. good product for 9v pedals
Its small, its noiseless and its cool to look at (Its size is half that of a Boss SD1). I bought this just a few weeks ago and the first thing it did was remove all the unwanted noise in my pedalboard. All stray noises gone. As its a modular power supply I can expand it anytime I want. My first one from strymon and I can guarantee its not the last one. One point solution to all power woes for a guitarist.
works fine. good product for 9v pedals
Its small, its noiseless and its cool to look at (Its size is half that of a Boss SD1). I bought this just a few weeks ago and the first thing it did was remove all the unwanted noise in my pedalboard. All stray noises gone. As its a modular power supply I can expand it anytime I want. My first one from strymon and I can guarantee its not the last one. One point solution to all power woes for a guitarist.