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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
No words needed for the pedal. Delivery was swift.
Significantly more affordable than the BigSky, its performance is truly outstanding. All I'll say is that it does leave you wanting more - and it'll take a seasoned musician or someone with a good ear to draw the best out of this pedal. The BigSky with its presets makes it rather easier. So if you're willing to learn and want this to be your last reverb pedal you'll ever need ...go for it :)
Strymon reverb in a small and affordable box, love it!
No words needed for the pedal. Delivery was swift.
Significantly more affordable than the BigSky, its performance is truly outstanding. All I'll say is that it does leave you wanting more - and it'll take a seasoned musician or someone with a good ear to draw the best out of this pedal. The BigSky with its presets makes it rather easier. So if you're willing to learn and want this to be your last reverb pedal you'll ever need ...go for it :)
Strymon reverb in a small and affordable box, love it!