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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This string is good and comfortable for playing in drop C in a 25.5 scale. Infact best string i have ever played so far for drop c. The top strings are made for shredding while the bottom string for chugging. The only drawback is that it kind of rust faster( this is not a problm). Many well-known guitarist change their string after every show so playing for 1 months and rust is kind of normal.
Amazing strings, very good and secure packing,
This string is good and comfortable for playing in drop C in a 25.5 scale. Infact best string i have ever played so far for drop c. The top strings are made for shredding while the bottom string for chugging. The only drawback is that it kind of rust faster( this is not a problm). Many well-known guitarist change their string after every show so playing for 1 months and rust is kind of normal.
Amazing strings, very good and secure packing,