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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It bought them as they seems to be reasonably priced. But these cables were not durable. But I must admit that didn���t made any claim under warranty, so can���t say how and what service I could have got.
I must say its a great cable in this price range. Build quality is awesome and man its very long. Easily can be used for any gigs.If you a guitar player and like to move on stage this one is for you.
It bought them as they seems to be reasonably priced. But these cables were not durable. But I must admit that didn���t made any claim under warranty, so can���t say how and what service I could have got.
I must say its a great cable in this price range. Build quality is awesome and man its very long. Easily can be used for any gigs.If you a guitar player and like to move on stage this one is for you.