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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
very good
For this price, this is the best cymbal care around.Easily fits in a regular set of cymbals. Hi hat, 1 crash and 1 ride.Best bet for beginners and someone to go easy on the pocket.
Good material quality and great discount from BaJaaO
Very efficient..and cheap!! Generally its very expensive although this is quite affordable
I was wanting to buy a bag but found them pretty expensive. These bag does the job for me and is at an affordable price.
I purchased it so as to avoid damages during travelling to studios. The bag looks pretty cool and does the job and is not that expensive either.
very good
For this price, this is the best cymbal care around.Easily fits in a regular set of cymbals. Hi hat, 1 crash and 1 ride.Best bet for beginners and someone to go easy on the pocket.
Good material quality and great discount from BaJaaO
Very efficient..and cheap!! Generally its very expensive although this is quite affordable
I was wanting to buy a bag but found them pretty expensive. These bag does the job for me and is at an affordable price.
I purchased it so as to avoid damages during travelling to studios. The bag looks pretty cool and does the job and is not that expensive either.