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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I looks some what ugly I don't bcoz of its colour .1st prefernce will goes to its performance then to its looks
Excellent service.
Too good! Absolutely loving this uke, its colour, tone and body is just smooth and beautiful! Bajaao, thanks for the deal and shipment!
After 10 years of playing guitar I thought to start with ukulele. I do not want to spend much on my first ukulele so after seeing the reviews I baught this one.I was surprised by it.It came with a ukulele bag and Aquila strings installed. Aquila is the benchmark for ukulele strings worldwide.The sound is awesome for me as a beginner in uke. A vary useful for house party's.
I looks some what ugly I don't bcoz of its colour .1st prefernce will goes to its performance then to its looks
Excellent service.
Too good! Absolutely loving this uke, its colour, tone and body is just smooth and beautiful! Bajaao, thanks for the deal and shipment!
After 10 years of playing guitar I thought to start with ukulele. I do not want to spend much on my first ukulele so after seeing the reviews I baught this one.I was surprised by it.It came with a ukulele bag and Aquila strings installed. Aquila is the benchmark for ukulele strings worldwide.The sound is awesome for me as a beginner in uke. A vary useful for house party's.