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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
These are a bang for the buck microphones from Shure, thanks Bajaao team for suggesting me these. The two overhead condenser mics PGA81 are just cream for capturing the overall image of the kit and the cymbals. All the XLR cables are also supplied which are of great quality.
I am using these plugged into a Scarlett 18i20. Please see a video sample of the mixed drums recorded from these mics in a studio environment.
These are a bang for the buck microphones from Shure, thanks Bajaao team for suggesting me these. The two overhead condenser mics PGA81 are just cream for capturing the overall image of the kit and the cymbals. All the XLR cables are also supplied which are of great quality.
I am using these plugged into a Scarlett 18i20. Please see a video sample of the mixed drums recorded from these mics in a studio environment.