Make your purchase using any Credit or Debt card EMI and Bajaao will return the total interest charged, as Cashback to your bajaao wallet.
(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
why are u showing this pfoduct if if iz not available i paid all mony for it and waited for the date and after that i found it is not availabe and tried to contact your customer care service they said u cant get mony back till 15 is sort of almost fraud that you want me to think n buy another product on itz place.pls refund my mony if you cant privide same amp i cant wait now
why are u showing this pfoduct if if iz not available i paid all mony for it and waited for the date and after that i found it is not availabe and tried to contact your customer care service they said u cant get mony back till 15 is sort of almost fraud that you want me to think n buy another product on itz place.pls refund my mony if you cant privide same amp i cant wait now