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Gator GR4L 4U Deluxe Rack Case
Good Product....Delivery could have been better
This case is about 6" deeper than the GR-4S, but surprisingly it's also cheaper! I'm planning on sticking in some cheap foam with cutouts for cables in mine, to have some extra storage space in the back for cables, etc. All in all I'm quite satisfied with the product. Really lightweight, and seems sturdy enough to protect the equipment but maybe not so much from falls.
Gator GR4L 4U Deluxe Rack Case
Good Product....Delivery could have been better
This case is about 6" deeper than the GR-4S, but surprisingly it's also cheaper! I'm planning on sticking in some cheap foam with cutouts for cables in mine, to have some extra storage space in the back for cables, etc. All in all I'm quite satisfied with the product. Really lightweight, and seems sturdy enough to protect the equipment but maybe not so much from falls.