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Dunlop 449P Max-Grip Standard Guitar Picks - Pack Of 6
Dunlop 449P Max-Grip Standard Guitar Picks - Pack Of 6
Dunlop 449P Max-Grip Standard Guitar Picks - Pack Of 6
Very poor quality of product
Good product, nice grip
I was skeptical when I bought this at first, but it is definitely great for people who want to have an extremely grippy pick. Would recommend, 8/10.
Dunlop 449P Max-Grip Standard Guitar Picks - Pack Of 6
Dunlop 449P Max-Grip Standard Guitar Picks - Pack Of 6
Dunlop 449P Max-Grip Standard Guitar Picks - Pack Of 6
Very poor quality of product
Good product, nice grip
I was skeptical when I bought this at first, but it is definitely great for people who want to have an extremely grippy pick. Would recommend, 8/10.