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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This is a perfect product for a duo band or a single guitar player who wants to sing as well. No one can deny the fact there is no competition of fender in terms of guitar Amps and with this product they have proved that their is no one in terms of vocals amps too. This portable system holds both vocal and guitar channel very well and give out a crystal clear sound. The volume is also very good can easily cover 100-150 people.
This is a perfect product for a duo band or a single guitar player who wants to sing as well. No one can deny the fact there is no competition of fender in terms of guitar Amps and with this product they have proved that their is no one in terms of vocals amps too. This portable system holds both vocal and guitar channel very well and give out a crystal clear sound. The volume is also very good can easily cover 100-150 people.