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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
PreSonus StudioLive AR12c USB-C 14 Channel Hybrid Performance and Recording Mixer Audio Interface
Pro Setup Gear This Can Never fail the user for what it has to offer on the platter. The Specs are self explanatory!
Record or playback from your memory card loved the feature with the high quality preamps
This is truly a good mixer.
Great features and affordable pricing. Love it
Bluetooth connectivity,good highpass filter for every channel and 60 mm faders,overall superb product at this cost.
PreSonus StudioLive AR12c USB-C 14 Channel Hybrid Performance and Recording Mixer Audio Interface
Pro Setup Gear This Can Never fail the user for what it has to offer on the platter. The Specs are self explanatory!
Record or playback from your memory card loved the feature with the high quality preamps
This is truly a good mixer.
Great features and affordable pricing. Love it
Bluetooth connectivity,good highpass filter for every channel and 60 mm faders,overall superb product at this cost.