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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I love the tone and blend settins that vox has provided albeit it doesn't work like a pocket amplifier but it is surely helpful if you want to set your patches and here what you are playing with other pedals and effects that you want on stage while playing. Also, it can actually work as a pocket amp if one has the small speakers provided by companies like beats, JBL etc which can be connected with an aux cable to have a vibrant sound if one cares to amplify their sound which guitarists always love to do as they love to show off.
I love the tone and blend settins that vox has provided albeit it doesn't work like a pocket amplifier but it is surely helpful if you want to set your patches and here what you are playing with other pedals and effects that you want on stage while playing. Also, it can actually work as a pocket amp if one has the small speakers provided by companies like beats, JBL etc which can be connected with an aux cable to have a vibrant sound if one cares to amplify their sound which guitarists always love to do as they love to show off.