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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I was recommended by a friend to buy from Although, little skeptical about the site because I never purchased from them, I went ahead breaking the ice and bought this item which I needed for specific purchase. I found the item, exactly what was described on the website. Quality of the product met my expectation and I am now happy owning this product. Chrome made, double brackets, sturdy and 10 on 10 in quality. I would recommend it 100%.
I was recommended by a friend to buy from Although, little skeptical about the site because I never purchased from them, I went ahead breaking the ice and bought this item which I needed for specific purchase. I found the item, exactly what was described on the website. Quality of the product met my expectation and I am now happy owning this product. Chrome made, double brackets, sturdy and 10 on 10 in quality. I would recommend it 100%.