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The quality is great. In case you don't have any idea about the size of pad. Then I would recommend to go with 12inch pad.
Havana C2 Drum Practice Pads with Stand
Havana C2 Drum Practice Pads with Stand
Havana C2 Drum Practice Pads with Stand
Not satisfied with the stand
It is worth to buy from bajoo website and happy for choosing bajoo
Very good quality stand and practice pad
Practice pad and Stand are simply superb!
Hardware is nice and the stand is not that heavy. Can be easily carried and the practice pad is well balanced. Great feel when practicing.
The quality is great. In case you don't have any idea about the size of pad. Then I would recommend to go with 12inch pad.
Havana C2 Drum Practice Pads with Stand
Havana C2 Drum Practice Pads with Stand
Havana C2 Drum Practice Pads with Stand
Not satisfied with the stand
It is worth to buy from bajoo website and happy for choosing bajoo
Very good quality stand and practice pad
Practice pad and Stand are simply superb!
Hardware is nice and the stand is not that heavy. Can be easily carried and the practice pad is well balanced. Great feel when practicing.