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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I am highly impressed with the Nano Mark 300. I chose the 15th Anniversary Edition over the standard because of the colour theme. There is no hardware difference whatsoever. Picture attached for size reference. Pros: - Ultra Light: 1.5 Kg - Ultra Portable: Fits in gig bag pouch - Deep low end, Crisp high end and clear sound - Responsive controls - Great for home practice and small to medium venues - Perfect in a band situation: Cuts through the mix Cons: - Knobs may make crackling noise at use: This is a common behaviour for Markbass amps. This can be remedied by turning the problematic knob to and fro for 15-20 minutes. - Could not find anything so far (4 Months of regular use)
I am highly impressed with the Nano Mark 300. I chose the 15th Anniversary Edition over the standard because of the colour theme. There is no hardware difference whatsoever. Picture attached for size reference. Pros: - Ultra Light: 1.5 Kg - Ultra Portable: Fits in gig bag pouch - Deep low end, Crisp high end and clear sound - Responsive controls - Great for home practice and small to medium venues - Perfect in a band situation: Cuts through the mix Cons: - Knobs may make crackling noise at use: This is a common behaviour for Markbass amps. This can be remedied by turning the problematic knob to and fro for 15-20 minutes. - Could not find anything so far (4 Months of regular use)