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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Definitely a sturdy laptop stand. Not wobbly at all. Would be good if it came with a carry bag case, for travel purpose.
But all in all fabulous! Kudos K&M Team.
This product is sturdy and strong!The looks are good tooThe only problem is its 1/4 the price of a laptop!However truly speaking its worthI got it at 10322.07Thank you Bajaao for bringing such variety of products at common mans reach!
Definitely a sturdy laptop stand. Not wobbly at all. Would be good if it came with a carry bag case, for travel purpose.
But all in all fabulous! Kudos K&M Team.
This product is sturdy and strong!The looks are good tooThe only problem is its 1/4 the price of a laptop!However truly speaking its worthI got it at 10322.07Thank you Bajaao for bringing such variety of products at common mans reach!