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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I(actually we) bought it for church service purpose, thinking the product won't be that big. To my surprise, the cajon is big enough to create heavy sound, which need no mic for a closed room.Also, the biggest surprise is, it is a COD Availability in my state (Tripura).Recommendation will be to choose a better Courier service by Bajaao.Overall the product is well crafted, with matt finish and you don't expect any bad scratch over the body.
the surface feels unusual. snare sounds from the back are good.
I(actually we) bought it for church service purpose, thinking the product won't be that big. To my surprise, the cajon is big enough to create heavy sound, which need no mic for a closed room.Also, the biggest surprise is, it is a COD Availability in my state (Tripura).Recommendation will be to choose a better Courier service by Bajaao.Overall the product is well crafted, with matt finish and you don't expect any bad scratch over the body.
the surface feels unusual. snare sounds from the back are good.