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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Ashton BDP400 Bass Drum Pedal
I requested a return on the same day as the nut on the pedal was so tight that I could not fix the beater. Thereafter, I have been following up with Bajaao for the product or a refund but have received neither.
In this price very very good product
Just superb pedal.....feels like dw pedal while playing
The product is good... But the packing is very bad though I had purchased xtra protection...
Simply superb and comfy. I'm very happy
Its really a nice product worth its price..and Bajaao support is awesome...
Ashton BDP400 Bass Drum Pedal
I requested a return on the same day as the nut on the pedal was so tight that I could not fix the beater. Thereafter, I have been following up with Bajaao for the product or a refund but have received neither.
In this price very very good product
Just superb pedal.....feels like dw pedal while playing
The product is good... But the packing is very bad though I had purchased xtra protection...
Simply superb and comfy. I'm very happy
Its really a nice product worth its price..and Bajaao support is awesome...