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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
After months of playing this guitar, I can say that this baby can rock a concert and a Blues session. I don't mind being called out on this. the Guitar features a very exquisite design and took a long time to deliver (ordered from Bajaao Express) And In all irony of the world, the wait was worth it. As i see the sold out stamp on this guitar, I feel a bit sad for those who cannot have the luxury of getting this at the convinience of online stores. This guitar plays Blues and does it nail that. Hidden gem I'd say. I've played a few guitars and I can say that this is a very versatile guitar. Well crafted, Perfectly set up and all quality measures are up to the mark. The black can easily catch dust and scratches so a cover is needed and that is a down side for this guitar body shape. Expensive covers; But i ain't complainin. Buy this beauty if you ever have the chance to. I have uploaded a video playing it link:
Awesome v shaped guitar..pickups are good..definitely best for a young metal head..worth buying this guitar.
After months of playing this guitar, I can say that this baby can rock a concert and a Blues session. I don't mind being called out on this. the Guitar features a very exquisite design and took a long time to deliver (ordered from Bajaao Express) And In all irony of the world, the wait was worth it. As i see the sold out stamp on this guitar, I feel a bit sad for those who cannot have the luxury of getting this at the convinience of online stores. This guitar plays Blues and does it nail that. Hidden gem I'd say. I've played a few guitars and I can say that this is a very versatile guitar. Well crafted, Perfectly set up and all quality measures are up to the mark. The black can easily catch dust and scratches so a cover is needed and that is a down side for this guitar body shape. Expensive covers; But i ain't complainin. Buy this beauty if you ever have the chance to. I have uploaded a video playing it link:
Awesome v shaped guitar..pickups are good..definitely best for a young metal head..worth buying this guitar.