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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I really love this guitar...n the snake skin on it looks sick I really want it...please bring back the beauty to it
Last time I saw this in a shop it was not in good shape the texture of the body was not smooth and the frets were also not smooth. I hope Cort will see to it. Thankyou!
Hey this is the best u can get from a guitar its good looking and fab to play but I want to buy it so plzz make it available bajaao .com
I really love this guitar...n the snake skin on it looks sick I really want it...please bring back the beauty to it
Last time I saw this in a shop it was not in good shape the texture of the body was not smooth and the frets were also not smooth. I hope Cort will see to it. Thankyou!
Hey this is the best u can get from a guitar its good looking and fab to play but I want to buy it so plzz make it available bajaao .com