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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I bought this keyboard recently from Bajoo. Thanks for the support from the product executives. I admit that this keyboard is the Masterpiece. The Dynamics of the Sounds is IDEAL. Initially I felt little hard to press the keys, as it is a RH-3 version, but now I have real control over the keys. Finally it depends on how creative you are with this Workstation. It takes little time for the beginner to learn the Technology like Karma, sequencing..etc
I bought this keyboard recently from Bajoo. Thanks for the support from the product executives. I admit that this keyboard is the Masterpiece. The Dynamics of the Sounds is IDEAL. Initially I felt little hard to press the keys, as it is a RH-3 version, but now I have real control over the keys. Finally it depends on how creative you are with this Workstation. It takes little time for the beginner to learn the Technology like Karma, sequencing..etc