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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Casio Casiotone CT-S100 61 Key Portable Keyboard With Adapter, Polishing Cloth, Online Lessons, Dust Cover, Warranty & Ebook
Product is very nice... But having trouble with free 1 month on9 classes
Overall everything is good. The Keyboard is working very fine, but I didn't recieved any access to E-Book and online lessons. Otherwise, it's a 5 star product.
With this much price this keyboard is a good choice especially for beginners.
Overall the product is looking new and awesome, happy with this. I'll recommend to all
Just got delivered today, will be writing review after couple of days of usage
Casio Casiotone CT-S100 61 Key Portable Keyboard With Adapter, Polishing Cloth, Online Lessons, Dust Cover, Warranty & Ebook
Learning music is good exercise to do everyday basis. This keyboard will help.
Best keyboard under 7k budget with accessories.
Best keyboard under 7k budget.
Casio Casiotone CT-S100 61 Key Portable Keyboard With Adapter, Polishing Cloth, Online Lessons, Dust Cover, Warranty & Ebook
Product is very nice... But having trouble with free 1 month on9 classes
Overall everything is good. The Keyboard is working very fine, but I didn't recieved any access to E-Book and online lessons. Otherwise, it's a 5 star product.
With this much price this keyboard is a good choice especially for beginners.
Overall the product is looking new and awesome, happy with this. I'll recommend to all
Just got delivered today, will be writing review after couple of days of usage
Casio Casiotone CT-S100 61 Key Portable Keyboard With Adapter, Polishing Cloth, Online Lessons, Dust Cover, Warranty & Ebook
Learning music is good exercise to do everyday basis. This keyboard will help.
Best keyboard under 7k budget with accessories.
Best keyboard under 7k budget.