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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Happy to have this pedal unit and sure it makes for a significant improvement while playing as it's firmly attached to the furniture stand, compared to the basic pedal unit. I find myself using the sostenuto and the damper peds more often than the una corda.
I appreciate Bajaao for accurately pricing the product, as other listings of the same were available at a premium of a minimum of 2k. And also thanks for the discounts.
Happy to have this pedal unit and sure it makes for a significant improvement while playing as it's firmly attached to the furniture stand, compared to the basic pedal unit. I find myself using the sostenuto and the damper peds more often than the una corda.
I appreciate Bajaao for accurately pricing the product, as other listings of the same were available at a premium of a minimum of 2k. And also thanks for the discounts.