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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Though it is bit pricey, the quality is really good. It is very stable on stage and can carry medium to heavy keyboard !
I ordered this stand after using Hercules 2 products which were good. One was a iPad stand & other was a mic boom stand. This also is as usual a v good stand. Looks v nice, sturdy, easy operable. When we opend the packing, it was a huge box... well wrapped even with routine transport options. However the lock was not working, I was about to return the product but we managed to manuere the faulty screw (maybe which was entangled in transport) but the stands working well since then... so... go for it..
Though it is bit pricey, the quality is really good. It is very stable on stage and can carry medium to heavy keyboard !
I ordered this stand after using Hercules 2 products which were good. One was a iPad stand & other was a mic boom stand. This also is as usual a v good stand. Looks v nice, sturdy, easy operable. When we opend the packing, it was a huge box... well wrapped even with routine transport options. However the lock was not working, I was about to return the product but we managed to manuere the faulty screw (maybe which was entangled in transport) but the stands working well since then... so... go for it..