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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I use it with a Kronos and after few times carrying it around in the car and around using the wheels, i really feel confident that my keyboard is well protected. I have been using it for few weeks now and i'm impressed with build quality. The wheels are sturdy and the finish is superb. Body doesn't get scratched off easily and is pretty sturdy. Flexible foams inside make it very easy to manage and customise the cushion according to your needs. This i feel is one of the biggest advantage that any keyboard could take advantage of. The large 8inch screen has been well protected and after some good use, the keyboard was intact. Good buy.Pros:Superior build, wheels, adjustable foams with velcro, different types of foams for delicate areas of the keyboard.Cons:Bit heavy, around 10Kgs. With a keyboard of 15kgs, it really becomes very heavy to carry/lift/transport
I use it with a Kronos and after few times carrying it around in the car and around using the wheels, i really feel confident that my keyboard is well protected. I have been using it for few weeks now and i'm impressed with build quality. The wheels are sturdy and the finish is superb. Body doesn't get scratched off easily and is pretty sturdy. Flexible foams inside make it very easy to manage and customise the cushion according to your needs. This i feel is one of the biggest advantage that any keyboard could take advantage of. The large 8inch screen has been well protected and after some good use, the keyboard was intact. Good buy.Pros:Superior build, wheels, adjustable foams with velcro, different types of foams for delicate areas of the keyboard.Cons:Bit heavy, around 10Kgs. With a keyboard of 15kgs, it really becomes very heavy to carry/lift/transport