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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Perfect for my Roland A500 Pro - keeps it clean and protected * Sufficient padding for practical use * Strong material - trustworthy for carrying
For this price, there is not much you can complain about. The padding is not too thick, but that's acceptable, I feel, for this price tag. Although I would have preferred a much smaller/no Bajaao logo at the front, as the giant logo is very much the first noticeable thing on the case.
Perfect for my Roland A500 Pro - keeps it clean and protected * Sufficient padding for practical use * Strong material - trustworthy for carrying
For this price, there is not much you can complain about. The padding is not too thick, but that's acceptable, I feel, for this price tag. Although I would have preferred a much smaller/no Bajaao logo at the front, as the giant logo is very much the first noticeable thing on the case.