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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I would like to exchange the product
The case itself is sturdy but I was expecting a proper hardcase for the money I paid. It's a foam hardcase and not the super hard one you get for guitars and such. I'm pretty sure the Vault Soprano case will do the job as well, the problem here was the lack of proper pictures and specifications for each. Both Vault and Kala cases had the same pictures so I had to take the bajaao expert's opinion on it. I could have saved 1800 INR if I had gone with the Vault case.
I would like to exchange the product
The case itself is sturdy but I was expecting a proper hardcase for the money I paid. It's a foam hardcase and not the super hard one you get for guitars and such. I'm pretty sure the Vault Soprano case will do the job as well, the problem here was the lack of proper pictures and specifications for each. Both Vault and Kala cases had the same pictures so I had to take the bajaao expert's opinion on it. I could have saved 1800 INR if I had gone with the Vault case.