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Though the strings are still operational fully. The small cuts (nicks) are visible and might compromise the strength of the strings causing the strings to wear out sooner.
It's a really great budget ukulele for beginners. Kala is a good trust worthy brand, so one can go for it. The Ukulele doesn't go out of tune quickly and has a very nice looking build. I bought an open box piece, which had a slight scratch at the back of the body but nothing that hampers the performance. So all in all, a good deal.
Though the strings are still operational fully. The small cuts (nicks) are visible and might compromise the strength of the strings causing the strings to wear out sooner.
It's a really great budget ukulele for beginners. Kala is a good trust worthy brand, so one can go for it. The Ukulele doesn't go out of tune quickly and has a very nice looking build. I bought an open box piece, which had a slight scratch at the back of the body but nothing that hampers the performance. So all in all, a good deal.