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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Best guitar at this price and sound is soo good and sun burst colour very best
This is a beautiful piece of instrument. Don't go by the picture posted on the website. It's look and finish is absolutely classic. Build is solid and heavy.The pick-ups are good considering the price range. Excellent sound output. Java is a China based company.The Guitar is excellent in make.Body of the guitar has Strat-Cut with amazing polished finish. The neck is thick and gives a good grip. The strings are with good action and allows amazing playability. If you cant afford the Fenders and the Yamahas, this is the best Guitar for you. Tone is excellent and combined with a good amplifier, its is mind blowing.
BAJAAO AND HAPPINES PAO>{sing with this instrument and get happines}
Best guitar at this price and sound is soo good and sun burst colour very best
This is a beautiful piece of instrument. Don't go by the picture posted on the website. It's look and finish is absolutely classic. Build is solid and heavy.The pick-ups are good considering the price range. Excellent sound output. Java is a China based company.The Guitar is excellent in make.Body of the guitar has Strat-Cut with amazing polished finish. The neck is thick and gives a good grip. The strings are with good action and allows amazing playability. If you cant afford the Fenders and the Yamahas, this is the best Guitar for you. Tone is excellent and combined with a good amplifier, its is mind blowing.
BAJAAO AND HAPPINES PAO>{sing with this instrument and get happines}